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Sacred vows of love and life.
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Countless couple cut communication.

Communication cut, cripples courtship.

Continuous communication creates.

Captivating colourful courtship.

"This ceremony is the bond of two souls and the fusion of two lives."

7:27 AM

Built a fortress of love.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Allow an effort to construct, keep building patiently, painstakingly, silently.

Without a word, hoping that you're the right one just for me. No more playing around, seriousness is there. Wants to spend it all with you and to you only.

Ain't getting any younger each day.

8:15 PM

Road To Nowhere.
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tired and lonely still we stand, on a road to nowhere. Trapped in a world of endless days, my engine's stalling. Body and mind are breaking down, on a road to nowhere. Destiny silent, hear no sound, as I wait forever.

Farewell, I'll miss you, I'm sick of these good byes. Cause it tore us apart right from the start, I miss you.

5:01 PM

Working Out.
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hope so too. Make this work. Mean it. Seriously.

LOVE is made, eventually.

1:24 PM

Friday, April 10, 2009




7:26 PM

Out and back again.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

To awaken by the light of the sun, gleaming through the window warming my face. The constant gentle breeze from the fan. From above caresses my skin, the smell of spring fills my lungs.

As the chirping of songbirds resound, in this morning to greet all in sight, the sky, clear and blue, begins the day. With the trees, deep in green, that none that can compare.

The family cat, lying on the pillow next to me. Purr softly, adding to nature’s symphony. Oh yes, this will be a good day. All the way...

7:24 PM

Cure The Itch.
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Met a thousand. Cried a million. Missed a lifetime.

Hope to see you again. :)

6:55 PM

Stupid or Dumb?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

FOOL is the word. Happy April Fool's Day to all FOOLS! :D

4:35 PM