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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Field camp next sunday! Confinement on the go. Fuck.

6:52 PM

Canadian Bull.
Friday, January 11, 2008

Pretty busy and fucked up week. Having a last minute guard duty call up sucks totally. It immediately shatters your happy moments out of camp in just one go.

Went for live range, and grenade course too. Leopard crawling in the muddy water filled with sand and mud really brings back the memories of my younger days where I used to go to the beach and played with the sand. Fucked up shit.

Time in NS flies pretty fast, which is a good thing to hear.

One month soldier.

3:54 PM

Long weekend.
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Storm clouds hanging over head. Offer not the slightest bit of comfort for the first time in days. I wait to discover disasters that I've slept though while I felt so alive. Heartstrings severed just as quick as they were discovered. I'll break my own fall, to keep you picture perfect.

Now that its all gone with the wind, its about time to rise against a new beginning. Fresh encounters are awaiting to be seen and found. Every sight of you, erases the suffering I ever tasted.

Now for a break, holding you tight in embrace. Just don't wake me up now. Let this moment stay in place, forever.

10:35 PM

Brand new 2008.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008


1:39 PM