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Wrecked diary.
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Have you ever had a fever you can't sweat out? Did you felt the discomfort? Feel my difficulty at the ends of your fingertips. Slience the pain, erase the fate. Hoping there will be a chance to start from scratch.

- Break my Fall -

6:22 PM

Facing the fate.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lying all alone on this bed. Thinking about what has been achieved and done. It seems nothing. Nothing at all for this while. As dawn comes, its another day of despair. Maybe its just an illusion of rebound. Maybe its just to take the time away. I don't know. Can someone please tell me the answer?

Tried to retrive a picture of love. Didn't think I'd miss her that much. Tried to fill this new frame. But its empty...

Maybe faith is the biggest fool of all. Blame it on the decision that fails and falls.


1:55 AM

Gong Xi Fa Cai.
Thursday, February 7, 2008


4:20 AM

Leaf Green + Flat Black
Saturday, February 2, 2008

FINALLY... Its like reeeaally finally. Outfield camp completed! Condition there in the jungle was fucked up to the brim. Having combat ration meals on mud and grime, no bathing with water for 5 days, only powder bath is allowed, doing business was a trouble, digging of holes must be done in order to dispose. Tactical movements was crap, light and noise discipline was a total discomfort. Sleeping in the jungle surrounded with thick vegetation, spiders, ants, crawlies and flying freaks was no joke at all. Best of all, wild boars.

Best shit of all. The digging of the "coffin hole". Spend about a day in total to finish it. My mental strength was badly bruised during that period for time. I really missed my family, friends and she of course.

BIC was the last programme for the field camp. Leopard crawling ahead for 70 metres with obstacles to pass and live rounds weezing 3 metres above you was thrilling but dead shag. Field camp's finally over. So fuck it. Counting down to POP real soon. Heh heh...

1:15 PM